
UseModWiki | RecentChanges | Preferences

Just sign your name below...


August 30, 2023 Still great after so many years --Dylan

Mar 15, 2023 Make UseModWiki great again --Meow

February 1, 2023 HI!大家好! -from Taiwan

December 1, 2019 A great Perl script, thankyou. I am using it on an old machine running tinycore linux Isa

July 26, 2019 I finally found a Wiki with the features I need and nothing else. I love it! Thanks, Paddy

August 21, 2018 I still use this Wiki… Thanks, Erik

October 25, 2017first update in 12 years.. but nice to see the site is still up :) DanKoehl

October 19, 2017 Tomi was here :-) I downloaded the software to run a very old backup of the italian wikipedia (July 2003 ;-). It's to show it at a WikiCon? (Trento, nov 2017). BTW: At work we use a modified version of UseModWiki with enhanced features.

April 7, 2017 I'm passing by to change a few of the many dead links in there, happy to help. - Femto

December 3, 2016 I'm evaluating running this locally with thttpd as a personal information manager. - Andrew

February 1, 2015 Running apache2 - sort of seems right, would like to check it out - Bruce

January 27, 2015 I used this wiki for a long time, ages ago. Know I'm looking, if there is a Docker? version of UseMod Wiki? - KooBaa?

May 19, 2013 Coolio! //cpcnw

September 18, 2014 Reminds me of the Internet as it was, before commercialization, before 2.0 social media sites. Overall UseModWiki is: open; light on resources; accessible; intuitive; and content focused. All this makes plain sense. The social aspect reminds me of BBS's, access with a certain amount of trust implied, and it could be weeks before you see an update, bulletins were (generally) well crafted because people had (or took) time between messages to think about what they had to say and how to say it for maximum effect. After that there was email, ftp, usenet and web (personal timeline), and the signal to noise ratio was excellent. Maybe I'm seeing those days through rose colored glass, but I can't shake the feeling the original spirit of the 'Net has been squelched. The Non-Commercial Internet(tm) is still there running parallel to it's monstrous offshoot: the quasi-governmental-corporate-surveillance-matrix-web, and a small group of like-minded freaks and hackers still use it. Don't be dazzled by laser beams and smoke, keep it simple, and don't fix it if it ain't broke. Still with you, and thanks. -- Retox

June 10, 2013 Gives an interesting perspective on the history of WikiPedia. I'll have to check this place out -- RunningMan

May 21, 2013 Like Linux it just works -- NatchezJohn

May 19, 2013 Interesting! -- lsmag

January 13, 2013 Fine site! -- Thrasymakhos

February 16, 2012 Cool to visit. -- KarstenHoffmeyer

September 9, 2011 Giving UseModWiki another look as a personal CMS. -- DavidMeyer

May 31, 2011 Months of searching for an easy-to-install, easy-to-use wiki for my LAN lead me to this gem. Perfect! - J Juno

February 12, 2011 Been using this for Texteditors.org since 2005 - RonPerrella?

December 23, 2010 Going to use this for my website, brilliant - R.D.

February 20, 2010 Clay Phipps back here after almost a year. I'd installed UseModWiki 1.0.4 on March 18, 2009, and was very pleased that it works just fine on a neglected Windows98 PC with only 32 (thirty-two) MB of RAM. Uses Apache version "2.2.4 (Win32)" to serve other PCs on a LAN. Now there is light-weight, at least by by 21st-century standards. But beware that I don't run anything else on it beyond Windows Explorer and maybe a few DOS utilities. Hmmm. UseModWiki & MeatballWiki now seem intertwiined more than I remembered from a year ago. To minimize use of space here, I've moved other comments to my personal page herein (I expect 'signature' immediately below to be usable as a link). -- ClayPhipps

January 12 2010 The website of the Tree Trust for Haringey (http://www.ttfh.org.uk) has been running with UseModWiki for around 18 months now. Most of the content including buttons and images is delivered from the wiki, and displayed in frames/iframes. Feel free to ask if you want to know more - web@ttfh.org.uk

July 6, 2009 Checking it out, got here from MeatballWiki... Looks awesome, but I havent had to use CamelCase since CSI, lol well we were taught to writeLikeThis?, caps on adjoining words only. :)

March 21, 2009 Had no choice! Only Perl is available on our server. I did a google search for "wiki perl" and here was UseModWiki. I put a weekend on it and here is the intranet. Wow! Love it. Mucho thanks. LouLap.

February 09, 2009 A flexible, really great tool. Installed on 2 websites. Bob H.

January 21, 2009 Just checking this one out! Ian

December 10, 2008 Dominik Knobel. Looking for a wiki for internal knowledge management and we immediately liked it for its lightweightness.

December 2, 2008 Vishal Bansod. I have been using it since long for my team and it's really good as it's easy and light weight.

September 8, 2008 Ward Passel. THANK YOU!!! UseModWiki is a real boon. It is a repository for all my research and writing.

August 27, 2008 Some random spambot^W^W^WOoops, let's start again. FatPhil? from Finland. I agree with Guilherme - KISS. May use this internally in a startup company I'm forming - looks like it does the job so far, but is a bit slow. I'm a hacker at heart, though, and if it's too slow, I might end up tweaking it for performance, and feeding my changes back into the mainline. KUTGW. Murray thx good insight to the properties of wikiis

January 8, 2008 Tanya Mac Millan. Found this site through a media literacy course in Teachers College at Lakehead. I'm a compu-neophyte, and have only dabbled in visual basic through Microsoft Excel before this. Looking forward to using wikis with my future students. Bravo, UseMod!

December 5, 2007 Yau Kwan Kiu.

December 3, 2007 Peter Davis. I've used NoteStudio?, TiddlyWiki? and a few similar tools for creating a personal wiki in which to organize everything I've ever known or ever will know. (It's taking some time.) I'm now using UseMod for all this stuff, as it's simple, elegant, and straightforward. My biggest complaint is that I can't back up along the sequence of pages I've traversed without hitting all the edit pages. I'm thinking of making my own workaround, like editing in pop-up windows or something. Still, UseMod is great!

August 26, 2007 Guilherme. The best and most simple wiki I've found, it just follows the Unix and KISS principles, simple as that. Thanks for UseModWiki!!!

July 6, 2007 Hi Folks. I am John Croft from the GaiaFoundation? of Australia, and I am here trying to learn Wiki editing skills for a number of projects we run.

June 27 ,2007 Fab from Dresden, who looked for something simple but functional. Found!

June 27 ,2007 very useful -- padmannagari srikrishna

June 3rd, 2007 Robert(Germany) - thank you very much. This wiki is exactly what I need. Easy to install and very easy to use! I use it for my preparation (write down what i've learned) for the CCNP(BSCI) on Ubuntu6.06-LTS.

March 25, 2007 L.T.D

February 22, 2007 Roger Bohman. New to Wiki, as the rest of us, but will use this Wiki as a company Intranet.

January 29th, 2007 Jussi-Ville Heiskanen, known to some as Cimon Avaro. Touching base. Edited a year and a half the Finnish Version of Wikipedia on Usemod, before it was transferred to mediawiki. That, and this site brings back memories. I still occasionally switch my wikipedia "skin" to display pages in a "usemod-lookalike" manner.

Jan 4th, 2007 Thanks! -bucket von harmony

Dec 13, 2006 Very good work. I use it for internal project documentation at work and for my own [E-Learning Wiki] --TimSchlotfeldt

Dec 7, 2006 - New wiki user, using for discussion/documentation forum for student project teams. Thanks! [A. S. Hodel]

November 16, 2006 - Good way to learn Perl -- Marco

October 14, 2006 New to wiki concept. Fascinated. Anne Hornsby

August 18, 2006 Love it. Hoping user help will expand upon admin documentation... markrkrebs(at)gmail.com

August 18 ,2006 very useful --aditya sandu

July 10, 2006 Excellent code. Grazie! [Valle San Giovanni]

April 28, 2006 Good stuff UseMod. Good work !! [Bit-Man]

March 6, 2006 TobiasSchwinn.

March 2, 2006 Ken Mills, West Chester, PA. I'm a Wiki newbie. Pretty cool stuff.

March 1, 2006 Dawn Carroll, Columbus, Ohio

February 12, 2006 Wiki:AlexChapman

January 5, 2006 TerjeKristensen?, Norway. Installed the UseModWiki yesterday, and I just love it :)

December 16, 2005 Jed Smith, Eugene, OR. Looking for a wiki engine for a small television-related project.

December 15, 2005 John M. Gabriele, CT, USA. Just discovered UseModWiki after looking for a small, simple, clean, easy-to-use Perl-based wiki. --- JohnMGabriele

December 8th, 2005 Seungwon Yang, Blacksburg, VA US

November 2nd, 2005 Андрей Воронов, [CBOSS Group], Москва, РФ

October 19th 2005 Mark Westwood, MTEM Ltd, Edinburgh, UK

October 17, 2005 Bill Colburn, Sunnyvale, California, USA

October 13th, 2005 [Tobias 'Tierlieb' Prinz], currently Minsk, Belarus - looking for the original usemod markup rules to replicate them within the radeox rendering engine.

September 27th, 2005 [Nicolas Vigier], Paris, France - looking for a nice and simple wiki

September 7th, 2005 Konrad Hofer, Bozen, Italien/South Tyrol, very nice wiki

August 26th, 2005 Bastian Foerster, Rijen, Netherlands

August 19th, 2005 Thib Guicherd-Callin, Palo Alto, CA

August 9th, 2005 Tatpong Katanyukul, Fort Collins, USA

July 11th, 2005 Matteo Ferraroni, Modena, Italy

July 8th, 2005 Philippe Hilsz, Paris, fast installed on Xitami server, lighter than Twiki

June 30th, 2005 RobertLidberg (meatball-wiki), Sweden :)

June 28th, 2005 Treesong from Southern Illinois, Turtle Island, Planet Earth. :) I've been an avid Wikipedia enthusiast for years and am just now learning more about Wikis. Now that I see how convenient UseMod is, I intend to use it on my on several sites: http://ultimasociety.org/ ; http://treesong.org/ ; and a brand new site to be created shortly. Hoory for Wiki! :)

June 27th, 2005 Streetman - Columbus, OH

June 20, 2005 대구대학교 민병준

June14, 2005 Carlos Lenz from Brazil

June 2, 2005 CG from NY - I'm researching wikiengines for creating a livingDocument for new employees at my company.

May 31, 2005 B Min from Korea - considering a wiki site to be used by students to discuss lecture contents and homeworks

May 26, 2005 Geoff Bell

May 24, 2005 Vic Church--setting up an intranet project technical exchange

May 10, 2005 [[hsphere deutsch]] we will use usemod or mediawiki to work on a translation of a webhosting software

May 3, 2005 FLT User

April 27, 2005 Jorge Florêncio

April 24, 2005 [[Doug Rice]] I have tried modwiki. It was very simple to get going! Many thanks. My webserver was wiped after a disk crash. Does anybody know how to use find to chmod a wikidb to restore it after I have uploaded a back up? See http://cgi.dougrice.plus.com/cgi-bin/wiki.pl Is there an easy way to back up a wiki?

April 21, 2005 I like wikis very much, but how to insert new interwiki links in your Masterlist? Here is one missing link - the one and only german geological wiki with wore than 11.000 pages "Mineralienatlas http://www.mineralienatlas.de/lexikon/index.php/"

April 6 2005 Harish Mallipeddi - I do not wiki much!

March 11 2005 This Wiki tool (UseMod) was complicated for me to use, on the contrary.

February 17 2005 UseMod is a wonderful wiki implementation. Using it is a pleasure.

February 1 2005 [[Bob Breedlove]] Excellent software to create the White Board world of Wihi!

December 23 2004 Kpd alias Tenzin Yönten from Hungary, from Budapest - I learn in Perl and PHP, and I like Wiki.

December 23 2004 Rahim Virani - I am very impressed with the simplicity of UseMod, way to go! I am however concerned it brings my P75 to a grinding halt heh..

December 20 2004 Jeff Samuels - I am very intrigued with this concept and hope to set a Wiki up in my place of business to help the technical staff document processes and programs.

December 19 2004 (GMT+8) Il Gatto, Philippines. Hey guys, I have two installations of UseMod in my site and I am worried because of a discussion I found in a hackers' forum. Here is the link: http://forum.zone-h.org/viewtopic.php?t=1333. Get those bastards will you?

December 17nd 2004 Richard Gerber, switzerland. Downloaded your wiki and evaluation.

December 2nd 2004 Isaac Park.. just about to download!

December 1st 2004 ... mike was here... great job

November 30th 2004cfallin from Portland, OR, US. Easiest wiki I've found to set up - it just works. Simplicity at its finest. Excellent job!

November 15th 2004Just checking out wikis for a UBC course. Not pretty but clean and simple. Sylvia from the Yukon.

November 5th 2004 Gets the job Well done.

October 19th 2004 MadsOrbesenTroest (Copenhagen, Denmark) Lean but effective. Gets the job done.

October 13th 2004 Zhang Le, from Edinburgh! I just installed UseMod. It looks fine!

October 7th 2004 Dominic Robson, exploring wiki possibilities for the Royal College of Art, London.

September 28, 2004 Wayne Smith, Northridge, California, United States. I brought up a UseModWiki this week to support a new [Knowledge Management Master's degree], of which I am a course designer.

September 23, 2004 Walther Schubert, Munich, Germany. I am considering setting up a wiki for collaboration of technical writers and developers at Siemens.

September 14, 2004 Peter Hitchmough from Disley, England. I've just downloaded UseModWiki and I'm trying to build it into http://cgi.disley.plus.com/cgi-bin/wiki.pl

September 12, 2004 Phil from the Longitudinal Centre of Canada. Looking for a simpler wiki than zwiki as I set up a page for our curling club. I will probably use it for our family internal web site as well -- better than notes on the fridge, usually!

August 31, 2004 Billie from Arizona. Thanks for creating this software. I am such a novice that I will be a while figuring this out.

August 16, 2004 Luca from Italy. We are using Wiki to manage and share knowledge in our organisation with great results. Many thanks for your great job! [WSI, Corsi di lingua inglese]

August 9, 2004 MikaelHermansson sends greetings from Denmark. I have downloaded the usemod 1.0 today. I'm playing with the thought of starting a wiki around humour! I am a webmaster and a clown: http://www.veryfunny.dk

July 27, 2004 KurtKawohl? sends greetings from California. I consider myself a Transcendentalist and would be interested in communicating with others who desire to implement religious rationality. Transcendentalism and Transcendentalism Today seem to fit ideally for this venture. My email is kkawohl1@cox.net

July 27, 2004 TimothyChenAllen from New Orleans: we're implementing a team collaboration site using your wiki. Very easy to set up! I was pleased that we can get this off the ground with just a webserver and perl.

July 22, 2004 A. Blair from Ottawa, Canada: trying to set up a Wiki for a collaborative portion of my company's website. Just starting to look & find the simplest solution for a [Linux] or [MacOSX] server. Vive le Wiki!

July 20, 2004 OwenRogers?

July 13, 2004 Greetings from Whitby, ON, Canada.... We've been messing with various ideas for departmental pages on our intranet I think wiki is the best one we've come up with yet and UseMod is really easy to configure even on IIS. Thanks. [Rod MacPherson] macphersonr@town.whitby.on.ca

July 12, 2004 From Brazil: it´s a greate Wiki engine ! I use it as a project colaboration tool.

July 11, 2004 After using MuttWiki? for some time, I put several UseMod wikis on some sites I maintain, one of which is already going very nicely. I've adopted the Debian package (http://packages.debian.org/unstable/usemod-wiki/) and upgraded it to 1.0. Time for Sarge to be released :-) -- ChristophBerg?

July 7, 2004 Greetings from italy. People in my company just hate you. No more winhelp maker

June 22, 2004 [Erik Weibust] Great easy, flexible wiki.

June 17, 2004 [Wikipatent.org] Thank you to the developers! usemod was real easy to install and set up, allowing us to get from idea to site in 10 minutes.

June 6, 2004 [MyLinuxPortal] I think that the [Oddmuse] is better

June 4, 2004 EES Wiki - The internet revolution

May 11 AndrewTurner So easy to install! I set up a copy in my company and I've been stuffing tech documentation into it for 6 months now.

April 27, 2004 [Game Development Wiki] Very nice job!

Apr 14, 2004 Started using it on my personal site: [nerdsonice.org]. Really makes coordinating trip info, ride stats, or whatever, very simple and straightforward! UseMod rules! -- Brandon

Apr 10, 2004 Easy to set up. One of the few easily set up on hpux. The other was TWiki but that was so horrendously bloated and feature-laden and difficult to manage. UseMod is superb! -KH

Apr 09, 2004 Wiki - I love it too -Bernhard

Apr 04, 2004 [Serak] Started out with UseMod for a personal wiki (and home LAN). Tried MediaWiki, Twiki, SnipSnap? (which snapped in two), several others. Guess what? I'm baaaaaaaack to UseMod! :-)

Apr 03, 2004 Wiki - I love it, been using it for work for years. Got my own now [Alans Wiki] -Alan

Mar 26 2004 [Heather James] I'm a wiki newbie, and enjoying it very much. Did anyone else notice the Wiki Spam below, Feb, 2004 [Inkjet Cartridges] Is this going to be as rampant as blog spam? Eek!

Mar 25, 2004 still using it only internally, but this simple Wiki is a great tool to brainstorm and not loose the ideas and information.

Mar 25, 2004 Realised I haven't posted here. My copy has been installed since the 18th Feb and is behaving itself wonderfully, though its owner is still struggling with understanding all the features. Nice wiki, very difficult site for finding answers or documentation (or I'm missing really obvious pages), but I'm very appreciative for what there is. --[HellHound.net's webmutt]

Mar 22, 2004 [Julian Leon] Wow, nice Wiki. Still have to learn how to make it work... sounds great

Mar 15, 2004 John Manoogian III peeping around. [jm3.net]

Mar 15, 2004 StijnSanders checking in again since some time, all is still looking well!

Mar 12, 2004 [http://www.si-list.org] Great piece of code! Thanks. Santa Cruz, Calif.

Mar 10, 2004 NickShaffner

Mar 10, 2004 OlivierAntonis

Mar 09, 2004 Superbe ! - Bonjour de Bruxelles, Belgique

Mar 01, 2004 [Ernie Hershey] Hi!

Mar 01, 2004 FrankMcNamara. [1] Hello from Sweden!

Feb 29, 2004 Ameed Saabneh. greetings

February 25, 2004 [2] -Bien fait ! Rosemary Adams

February 23, 2004 Diogène - Trop bien.

February 23, 2004 Putzi - Loooking for a nice Wiki for our development-page for our HTPC.

February 21, 2004 [Arhuaco] Looking around !

February 13, 2004 Matthew - I recently set up a private collaborative writing UseMod wiki, and was extremely easy to install and configure. Thanks.

February 13, 2004 Pengcheng Zou - i use UseModWiki to manage my know-how, diary and todo list, it's just the tool i am dreaming for.

February 5, 2004 LeeMason - UseModWiki is great. I am using it to create loads of technical documentation for sharing between our technical team.

February 4, 2004 DougConley - just getting around to this.

January 22, 2004 José Bonnet - Well... I was just looking for a 'diff' utility that could run on W2000... Have to try this wiki

January 22, 2004 Xavier de Blas - Good, only on .pl, easy customizable, lots of possibilities and an active community. Congratulations!

January 20, 2004 Javier Gutierrez - Nice Script!

January 19, 2004 EvanBottcher - tried PHPWiki but found it terribly slow. Very happy with the simple setup and performance of UseModWiki. Cheers.

January 18, 2004 WarrenLindsey Glad to see the 1.0 release and a 1.1 following it up. Hoping this upgrade has fixed the cut and paste bug that started to destroy my 0.92 wiki. Love the WikiWay? over bloggin hands down

January 16 2004 BillStClair

January 14 2004 [Garnet R. Chaney] It's great to see this still around. I was playing around with this back in the middle of 2001 when I was having a long vacation in Bulgaria. I made all kinds of hacks to the then current version, some of which included: Logins for all changes (how corporate of me), locked pages, chat/blog style pages (new entries add to the end of the page without editing the whole page, useful for guest log type pages), page style templates, etc. Looks like a lot of that has made it into this version. It'll be fun to see if I can put any of my missing hacks into this version. I also play over at [Wikipedia], and also here at Garnet.

January 8 2004 John Smith greetings.

January 2 2004 misof was here.. pf2004 to you all :)

January 1 2004 I am happy that I am the first (signed) visitor in the year of 2004 [Jian Shuo Wang]

December 28 2003 Shan have just set up my SHEWiki at longlast. Found wikis 3 years ago but couldn't handle the instructions. Since then I got used to perl and your version is much better, simpler setup, better instructions. I am hoping to add in some cwic features though. My SHEWiki is about FREEDOM past and present, and we're a group of UK home educators. If interested email me SHE at shansweb co uk (change "at" and put 2 dots co uk as this is a safespam address)

December 23 2003 Benson at [YadkinRiver.net]

December 23 2003 PatJames, [PJ's Pad]

December 23 2003 JustinGarofoli, [Justin@Ligo-Wa]

December 17 2003 Christopher Short Hmmm ... the possibilities ....

December 15, 2003 [M.Bishop] I am wandering lost in the forrest of wikis.

December 13, 2003 RichardLack. Fantastic stuff! I'm working on setting up my own now. usemod is fantastic!

December 11, 2003 [Gerg] I love wikis!

December 11, 2003 NickWhite Cool - especially like the preview mode :)

December 10, 2003 Sean McMullin -- very easily set up, impressive codebase. Nice work! Using UseModWiki for collaboration on a NASA educational software project.

November 24, 2003 [Phil Hollenback], NY, NY

November 19, 2003 Chris Farmer, Austin, TX -- Excellent work, I'm trying this out for an office bulletin board.

November 14, 2003 David Rose, Calgary, Alberta - [Looks Great]?

November 11, 2003 Steven Parks, Minneapolis, Minnesota - Working on a practical application for a help desk - Thanks!

November 10, 2003 Patrick Beard - Good?

November 08, 2003 Mike Pfeiffer - My first Wiki entry :)

November 02, 2003 MattisManzel - Worldwiki now!

October 28, 2003 AndyLandells? - Wikis are great!

October 26, 2003 BradBrooks

October 25, 2003 I am using UseMod and TWiki on my own sites. UseMod is wonderfull. Easy, fast and effective. I like it! Installation is as simple as can be. http://www.nogui.net

October 24, 2003 Mmmmmmmwiki

October 23, 2003 Just installed it! Very nice. Jerry Shifrin

October 22, 2003 Simple installation, and it works! Wiki is a very great tool http://www.suchmaschine.ag

October 14, 2003 Finally returned to UseMod! I have used Usemod Wiki for internal brainstorming since some time and was happy and impressed by speed and ease. I was seduced to turn to TWiki(because of its guile features), but found no way to setup TWiki on a non-root account w/o concerns in security. So I am back to UseMod, downloaded the 1.0(I am happy that UseMod lives!) and did some hack into the script(Fine work, even perl newbees like me found out what to patch where). We currently use (slightly patched) UseMod Wikis for the following applications


September 30, 2003 Just checking UseModWiki out. -- Mike Owens, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

September 27, 2003 Napo. Well, I have not yet a very good idea of the user-friendliness of this wiki. I'll have to come back to assess this point...

September 5, 2003 I'm hoping my sparkling new private UseMod-driven wiki will help keep too many overlapping projects organized without tying up brain cells. So far, I've learned more about Perl and Apache and OS X than I planned for this weekend... Vbob, Providence, RI

September 4, 2003 Started an intranet Wiki for our research lab. Really like the simple installation, 0.99beta works good for me -- Alain Mellan, San Diego, CA.

August 9, 2003 Thinking of using Wiki for our team's development effort and as the medium for knowledge sharing. Hong Kong - Renwill

July 22, 2003 Using UseMod for internal development. It's simply and easy to configure && use. Thanks! USA [.]

July 17, 2003 Using UseMod for internal development. It's simply and easy to use. Thanks!

June 28, 2003 Wikis rule. And as phpwiki didn't want to run on my hoster, usemodwiki is a great and simple alternative. user from Munich, Germany

June 23, 2003 We are building Wikis for our ASP subscribers as alternatives to Threaded Discussions. Http://www.matrix-media.com, Mike Oliver

June 12, 2003 Nice peace of code. My Wiki is a private knowledge base for Roleplaying stuff. Maybe it will go public sometime (its german). Phil from Erlangen, Germany. http://anyaka.aldyra.de

May 23, 2003 Thanks for letting me use this piece of software for research purposes, much appreciated. CraigAnslow from Wellington New Zealand. http://www.mcs.vuw.ac.nz/~craig/cgi-bin/wiki.pl

May 10, 2003 Many thanks to the programmer of this great bit software and greetings from Nürnberg, Germany! RalphGLindner

April 17, 2003 Nice peace of software for a small Volleyball society to organise games and meetings in Berlin, Germany. Thanks a'lot!!!

April 14, 2003 Used for an internal Development Notes site...great stuff.

April 14, 2003 Someone had the idea to create a Wiki for [SchoolforgeUK], and I volunteered to be webmaster. It will become a repository of our group knowledge - the sum total of the most useful information that teachers and IT staff in UK schools can draw upon for using free software in education.

March 12, 2003 I'm an art educator at Massachusetts College of Art teaching grad students about virtual communities and collaboration so I thought we needed our own wiki. I just set one up for the school [ARTECH]. I'm a newbie at this, and am interested in exploring graphical modifications with CSS (well, we are an art school). Thanks Clifford (and Ward) for this wonderful script and for promoting the idea of open-web editing. - Eleanor Ramsay

February 28, 2003 I just installed this at our company, [AGRIS] (A John Deere Company) for use in our new product development division. Thanks a million for this software, it works great! It's so much easier to use than the Faq-O-Matic that we had before.... -Frank Merenda

February 25, 2003 Now this at our company, [pestcontrol] for use in our new product development division (software pest control). Thanks a million for this software, it works nice! .... -John Ripper

February 23, 2003 As Alexander below, I read about UseMod Wiki in c't. I have installed one and I am very impressed by the ease to operate it.

Thank you all! - Fine peace of software! After finding some scripts for uploading pictures (the Drall perl script), I am at first happy with it and the painless approach creating pages with it triggered the idea to use it as CMS to create static pages for the public website. Has anyone of you come across a Wiki to static export utility(that filters Wiki head and foot elements) - I am currently thinking in writing such a tool (and would like to prevent reinventing the wheel...)? Christian Kranich

See EmbedWiki variable in the configuration header (or file, if you use the file instead). I have set up a number of dual-mode wikis, with two engines pointing at the same data files, one engine set to EmbedWiki=0 and one to EmbedWiki=1. Editors work behind the scenes with the full wiki, and view see only the results. Demo at http://allmyfaqs.com/wbt/ (student view -- email me at jerry@allmyfaqs.com for access to editor view). I've set up newsletter-publishing sites with the UseMod engine this way, and will be using it for rebuilding my home site, too. -- JerryMuelver
Thank you for the suggestion, I will try it out!, Christian Kranich
Meantime we successfully use UseMod Wikis for Support, Documentation, Brainstorming in my company Kranich Industriemesstechnik http://www.kranich.com - however this are non-public Wikis.

Thank you for the suggestion, I will try it out!, Christian Kranich.

Excellent wiki Keep up the good work. Casale

February 23, 2003 I read about wikis in a german computer magazine [c't]. They took UseMod as a sample for an good, easy and fast to install wiki - they are right. I installed it 2 days ago and use it now for my personal notes in my 3 PC LAN. Thanx a lot for this software. -- Alexander K.

February 21, 2003 Love the single script simplicity, after I tried and failed to get my head around Twiki a few months ago. Busy applying (and commenting on) patches at the moment and eventually hope to have it running as an internal Wiki at my company. --DavidClaughton.

February 8, 2003 I clicked over here because I read the name CliffordAdams used along with AlanKay?? and LarryWall??. (And, yes, I was hoping to see other members of the [AddamsFamily?], sp. Morticia.) Today, in two shakes of a lamb's tail, I installed MarkGuzdial?? 's Swiki on RH8 and Win98 home networked machines. As DaveBarry?? would say, "Neener, neener!" Oh, yes, and "thanks for all the fish." -- JonathanSmith??

January 28, 2003 Great software, I'm using it at alt.lordrich.com - and soon clickoldham.com.

January 16, 2003 Great job. Peter

January 16, 2003 really nice! i use usemode now for our internal helpdesk . -- tob

January 1, 2003 Just set up my own UseMod ... like it == phil jones

December 23, 2002 I have been using UseMod for a couple of months on my home computer. It has become an essential part of my daily computerwork - thanks for a marvelous system. Preben Henriksen.

December 6, 2002 Hi, we just started our first Wiki at work, so I decided to do some reading. It is a truly fascinating concept.-- JoeManich

November 29, 2002 Hey there. Just wanted to sign my name and say that I got UseMod working on my home computer with OmniHTTPd and ActivePerl for Windows (it was a cinch). I was introduced to UseMod by a friend of mine who runs www.newmars.com, and have been intrigued since. I've known Wiki's for quite awhile now (ie, WikiPedia), but this was the first time I was introduced to UseMod specifically. Also, getting UseMod to work on my home computer compelled me to dig around in the source, and learn a bit of perl (see my tables patch- which seems to work well). So two pluses, really. Thanks for making this Cliff. - JoshCryer

[MoonShadow?] woz ere; he downloaded UseModWiki and shamelessly [hacked around] with it.

November 28, 2002 Whoa! What is this? Jari Turkia

October 31, 2002 I've changed from PhpWiki to UseModWiki - It seems to be a LOT faster and was a lot more feature-complete than PhpWiki. The simple authentication system just works quietly without causing a fuss, and allows you to attribute Wiki changes without stopping people from editing Wiki pages (which is what you want, in the end). So, I'm pushing to use UseModWiki for all my team's documents and as a central repository for all things - its great! Now, if i could just get it themed nicely ... :) - NathanOllerenshaw (Tokyo, Japan)

September 30, 2002 I've run it for some says now and am impressed. It's a perfect compromise between function and elegance. - Peter Strömberg aka PEZ

Downloaded :-) - Kim, Kiseok

Downloaded and experimenting within a small team. - Gokbora Uran

September 2, 2002 I love UseModWiki! I am also wanting it to be like John Abbe's WikiWebLog?? [AbbeNormal?]. Is it possible to include a weblog function in UseMod? - MarkDilley

August 30 2002 Downloaded UseModWiki. Fine tool - Picchio

August 2002 Downloaded UseModWiki. Great tool! - NikhilKelkar

August 22 2002 Just poking around looking for a good Wiki to use. This one looks nifty.

August 7 2002 facilitated the Open Space track of the agile/xp universe conference this week and got turned on to wikis. just set this up and am totally jazzed. many thanks!!! michael herman

July, 2002: [siteAS]AtsushiSano?

July 19 2002 I cannot believe how easy it was to install UseMod on my system - in fact I've already got it running on 2 servers. I install CGI's all the time - this is the first time that everything was working perfectly, immediately. Wow. - Abigail Marshall

July 13 2002 I just stumbled across Wiki and I'm editing this page to sign my name. Very interesting. Certainly a new concept to me! -- <a href="http://www.stevehemingway.com">Steve Hemingway</a>

July 1 2002 Very nice software ! Wiki rocks ! -- StéphaneMor??

June 14 2002 This is awesome! Thanks again! -- ChristianKellermann

June 11 2002 Trying to integrate WikiIdeas?? into software development, DavidSchmitt.

May 25 2002 Peter Olin. Software looks great. Stopping by to check out some documentation.

May 24 2002 Anders Toll

May 19 2002 Ivor Williams. Excellent software, easy to use, very easy to set up. Have installed in a commercial environment as an intranet braindump facility.

May 6 2002 [mike castleman]. Very nice. Easy to set up and use--a group of us have started using a wiki (with the UseModWiki software) to communally edit a print publication; we'll see how it goes!

Apr 19 2002 Josh Mattoon. This is truly a cool thing. I had thought about setting up an Everything2 based page, but that was just way too much work and had way more features than I could use. This took me 30 seconds to download and install. (BTW... I'm running this on OSX)

Apr 16 2002 ClemensFischer. i tried the usemod wiki, and it also worked the first time. and it's comfortable to use, i don't want any fancy crap. i'm keen on the new version, the one with the one before the dot :)

Apr 11 2002 Dan Bernier, from The Hartford in Hartford, CT. I read about this Wiki in the "Software Archaeology" article by Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas in IEEE Software, Mar-Apr 2002 (sorry, don't have the link).

Apr 09 2002 DezMoleski - set up a UseModWiki at work yesterday... beautifully easy.

Apr 05 2002 Cyrus Dogstar. - Cool stuff, not 100% sure how it works, but what the hey.

Apr 02 2002 Walter Flaat. - Great! ... simply great!! Worked right out of the box for me

Feb 05 2002 Tim Nelson... Fast simple installation and it worked first time. I even applied one of the Tables patches [TableSytax?] which I like a lot.

Feb 04.5 2002 Scott Spence "the visitor" I guess this is a mod_apache module?

Feb 04, 2002 Mathias Dahl - Yep. Pretty easy to install on Apache at home. Testing it our right now.

Feb 03, 2002 Peter Laubender - Simple installation, and it works! Thank you for this Wiki!

1/22/02 Lin, I'm gonna try it.

Jan 15, 2002 Twan, i agree works great!

Jan 15, 2002 Daniel Cordeiro - Wiki is great!

Jan 9, 2002 MayerLu?? - Jiminy!

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