WikiPatches/CSSskins gives users a choice of a selection of headers, stored on the server as truncated HTML files.
WikiWithCascadingStyleSheet gives a large amount of control over the look of your Wiki
Choose how you want your wiki to look in gory detail. Edit templates with FrontPage? or DreamWeaver? or whatever, then your site looks like that.
No diffs, I've given you a .tar.gz and CVS access (no more CVS for a while, sorry)!
This modified script does not work for me. It is simply outputting a "0" to the browser. If anyone finds the solution, please let me know: Thanks!
(Theo, the .tar.gz that I've given should work. I gave people CVS access to the code, and someone screwed it all up to the point where I couldn't recover it. Only the usemod094.tar.gz is currently working. -- PhiloVivero?)
2002-06-27 User Comments: This is a sorry excuse for a template patch. This is supposed to be SIMPLE. Can anybody organize this section so that even somebody that doesn't program Perl can figure out? I would really appreciate it. Using templates seems like such a BASIC task, I can't understand why it is a "patch"!! (
This is a really nasty hack, but just in case you need it's here free for you to use
With $UserHeader you can add extra HTML code previous to the HEAD tag, but not to the BODY, but using a combination of $UserHeader, $FooterNote and $UserBody you can add code in the HEAD and BODY.
Basically use this :
$BGColor = ''; $UserHeader = <<EOH; # Optional HTML header additional content
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/some/stylesheet.css" /> </HEAD> <body bgcolor="#333333" text="#dddddd"> <table> <tr> <td> <!-- BYE HEAD AND BODY
$UserBody = '--'; # Optional <BODY> tag additional content
$FooterNote = <<EOF; # HTML for bottom of every page
</tr> </table>
The hack is that $UserHeader is inserted in the HEAD and closed (automatically does it) with the </HEAD> and <BODY> plus the tags passed in $UserBody. Finally the page is closed with $FooterNote, some that looks like this to your browser :
<HTML> <HEAD><TITLE>xxxxxxx</TITLE> $UserHeader </HEAD> <BODY $UserBody> ... Here goes the wiki page ... $FooterNote
So if you try to use $UserHeader to insert code in the BODY your HTML ends with two </HEAD> and two <BODY> (the ones added by and the ones you tried to use :-P). To avoid this just end the $UserHeader opening a comment tag and closing it in the $UserBody with two slashes that combined with > enclose the HEAD and BOYD in a comment, what cuases that your HEAD and BODY (inserted in $UserHeader) take control.
This conver your HTML in something like this :
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/some/stylesheet.css" /> </HEAD> <body bgcolor="#333333" text="#dddddd"> <table> <tr> <td> <!-- BYE HEAD AND BODY </HEAD> <BODY -->
... Here goes the wiki page ...
</tr> </table>
Want to look it in action ?? Preview it at !! (BrokenLink 8 March 2009)
-- [Bit-Man] May 18, 2006