A small change in subroutine GetFooterText is needed to assign class to wikipagelink to this link to appear as a normal link.
-- TomGries 19.01.2004
The class simply is for links to edit pages. It may be better to distinguish between links to existing and nonexisting pages but I'm not sure. -- MarkusLude
I guess, it's an analogy with wanted pages, since they must also be edited. --JuanmaMP
sub GetFooterText { my ($id, $rev) = @_; my $result; if (&GetParam('embed', $EmbedWiki)) { return $q->end_html; } $result = '<div class=wikifooter>'; $result .= &GetFormStart(); $result .= &GetGotoBar($id); if (&UserCanEdit($id, 0)) { if ($rev ne '') { $result .= &GetOldPageLink('edit', $id, $rev, Ts('Edit revision %s of this page', $rev)); } else { #TG 18.01.2004 class for Edit link changed from wikipadeedit to wikipagelink # $result .= &GetEditLink($id, T('Edit text of this page'));
$result .= &ScriptLinkClass("action=edit&id=$id", T('Edit text of this page'), 'wikipagelink');
} } else { $result .= T('This page is read-only'); } $result .= ' | '; $result .= &GetHistoryLink($id, T('View other revisions')); if ($rev ne '') { $result .= ' | '; $result .= &GetPageLinkText($id, T('View current revision'));