
UseModWiki | WikiPatches | RecentChanges | Preferences

This patch allows you to put more options in the config file.

Currently it is used for

Just place thos variables in your config. Otherwise the default will be used.

This patch is made with diff -c as WikiPatches/Where suggests.

--TilmannHolst, 2004-05-29

*** wiki.pl	2004-05-25 18:11:59.000000000 +0200
--- larpwiki-more-config-options.pl	2004-05-25 18:15:10.000000000 +0200
*** 26,31 ****
--- 26,33 ----
  #    59 Temple Place, Suite 330
  #    Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ # applied patch: larpwiki-more-config-options.diff
  package UseModWiki;
  use strict;
  local $| = 1;  # Do not buffer output (localized for mod_perl)
*** 314,323 ****
    #   5.  A $FS (field separator) character    (kept in output)
    #   6.  A double double-quote ("")           (removed from output)
    $UrlProtocols = "http|https|ftp|afs|news|nntp|mid|cid|mailto|wais|"
!                   . "prospero|telnet|gopher";
    $UrlProtocols .= '|file'  if ($NetworkFile || !$LimitFileUrl);
    $UrlPattern = "((?:(?:$UrlProtocols):[^\\]\\s\"<>$FS]+)$QDelim)";
!   $ImageExtensions = "(gif|jpg|png|bmp|jpeg)";
    $RFCPattern = "RFC\\s?(\\d+)";
    $ISBNPattern = "ISBN:?([0-9- xX]{10,})";
    $UploadPattern = "upload:([^\\]\\s\"<>$FS]+)$QDelim";
--- 316,325 ----
    #   5.  A $FS (field separator) character    (kept in output)
    #   6.  A double double-quote ("")           (removed from output)
    $UrlProtocols = "http|https|ftp|afs|news|nntp|mid|cid|mailto|wais|"
!                   . "prospero|telnet|gopher" unless $UrlProtocols;
    $UrlProtocols .= '|file'  if ($NetworkFile || !$LimitFileUrl);
    $UrlPattern = "((?:(?:$UrlProtocols):[^\\]\\s\"<>$FS]+)$QDelim)";
!   $ImageExtensions = "(gif|jpg|png|bmp|jpeg)" unless $ImageExtensions;
    $RFCPattern = "RFC\\s?(\\d+)";
    $ISBNPattern = "ISBN:?([0-9- xX]{10,})";
    $UploadPattern = "upload:([^\\]\\s\"<>$FS]+)$QDelim";


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Last edited April 13, 2008 8:55 pm by MarkusLude (diff)