Bug description
$HttpCharset setting is ignored during HTTP-redirects. It appears for user as being trowed to invalid page while saving nonenglish-named page.
Bug is not critical but very confusing for non-english users. Workaround found after digging through the code.
Prerequesties for reproduction
- Fresh UseModWiki setup (without content - you probably corrupt it due to $HttpCharset switching)
- Cyrillic-aware OS & browser (but one may try other charsets)
How to reproduce
$RedirectType=1; # or 2
- Put any russian text matching freelink rules on any page.
- Edit new page.
- In URI of edit request you'll see cryptic stuff. Remember some pattern of it.
- Click on Save. Page will be correctly handled and stored, but...
- ...redirection will trow you to the page with strange ID.
- look at URI of that: it's cryptic stuff is not the same you remembered!
How to omit:
- Just set $RedirectType = 3; in you local config.
Possible location of buggie code
sub GetRedirectPage {
-- YarikK, 4 Oct 2004
Please be specific: do you have an example of the "cryptic stuff" that appears in the first and second URIs? Can the problem be reproduced on a wiki with a different
HttpCharset, or one that is not set? --
Could someone reproduce this? I couldn't so far --MarkusLude