See also:
ChristophBerg? (
The exploit as supplied by securityfocus didn't work on my wiki. Changing the entities in the first script tag to uri escapes (%3Cscript%3E) did the trick.
IMHO it would be better to do the quoting in Ts() and Tss() after the replacement of %s. Do I miss something? --MarkusLude
I'm searching the script now for all Ts and Tss uses. So far I've found one that quoted when it shouldn't.:
Line 685:
if ($idOnly && $showHTML) { print '<b>(' . Ts('for %s only', &ScriptLink($idOnly, $idOnly)) . ')</b><br>'; }
I didn't find any more such cases on my first pass through the code. --CliffordAdams
Somehow I missed this in 1.0.1, but fixed it in 1.0.3 --MarkusLude
I would prefer to use the QuoteHtml function rather than duplicate existing code. This function is intended to make user input safe, while allowing safe character entities to be used. Are there any objections to using this function? Note that QuoteHtml will not expand any already-quoted HTML, so it is safe to use multiple times on the same text. --CliffordAdams
As a temporary fix (on and I've made the ReportError function use QuoteHtml on its input. I think this is a useful addition since other lazy wiki-programmers might not use the translation function for all error messages.
To make this change, simply change line 2602 from:
print $q->header, "<H2>", $errmsg, "</H2>", $q->end_html;
print $q->header, "<H2>", &QuoteHtml($errmsg), "</H2>", $q->end_html;
I like this fix because the only code it changes is the error-reporting code (which is ordinarily never used, unlike the Ts and Tss functions). Any comments? --CliffordAdams
I would rather duplicate the Ts function to TsNQ for the few no-quote cases rather than add a flag argument to the existing Ts function. (Personally, I strongly dislike optional arguments to functions.) In the future I might add a TssNQ function to be orthagonal. --CliffordAdams
Example exploit:'XSSvulnerabilityexists')%3C/script%3E --ChristophBerg?
Here you don't need the TssNQ? but the Tss then, if quoting is required. --MarkusLude