replace this line (search for 'COLSPAN'):
s/((\|\|)+)/"<\/TD><TD COLSPAN=\"" . (length($1)\/2) . "\">"/ge;with this line:
s/((\|\|)+)((\!)*)/"<\/TD><TD COLSPAN=\"" . (length($1)\/2) . "\" ROWSPAN=\"" . (length($3)+1) . "\">"/ge;and replace this line (search for 'colspan'):
} elsif ($TableSyntax && s/^((\|\|)+)(.*)\|\|\s*$/"<TR VALIGN='CENTER' " . "ALIGN='CENTER'><TD colspan='" . (length($1)\/2) . "'>$3<\/TD><\/TR>\n"/e) {with this line:
} elsif ($TableSyntax && s/^((\|\|)+)((\!)*)(.*)\|\|\s*$/"<TR VALIGN=\"CENTER\" " . "ALIGN=\"CENTER\"><TD COLSPAN=\"" . (length($1)\/2) . "\" ROWSPAN=\"" . (length($3)+1) . "\">$5<\/TD><\/TR>\n"/e) {I've tested this with UseMod 1.0, seems to work fine. I just really wanted rowspan on a table one day, so I threw this together. Very simple but it works.
-- Michael Rienstra 2006-02-13
One minor nitpick: you could replace
-- UngarPeter