$PageCountLimit = 70; # Number or returns per page when doing a search/index
And add it to the Configuration constant variables. Then modify the PrintPageList sub as below:
sub PrintPageList { my ($pagename, $spacer, $pagecount, $printcount, $pagenumber, $next, $action, $keywordcache, $back, $dosearch); $next = &GetParam("next","0"); $action = &GetParam("action",""); $keywordcache = &GetParam("search",""); $dosearch = &GetParam("dosearch",""); $back = &GetParam("back",""); $pagecount = @_; print "<p>The ", Ts('query you performed returned %s pages', ($#_ + 1)), ". The limit per page is $PageCountLimit.</p>\n"; foreach $pagename (@_) { $pagenumber++; if ($pagenumber >= "$next") { if ($pagename =~ m|/|) { $spacer = "\ \;\ \;\|\=\> "; } else { $spacer = ""; } $printcount++; print "<ul><li>" . $spacer . &GetPageLink($pagename) . "</ul>"; if ($printcount >= $PageCountLimit) { last; } } # } # I think that it's extra --JuanmaMP if ($action eq "index" || ($dosearch eq "1" && $keywordcache eq "")) { if ($action eq "") { $action = "index"; } print "<center><p>"; unless ($next == "0") { print "<< <a href=\"javascript:history.go(-1)\">Back</a>"; } if ($pagenumber < $pagecount) { unless ($next == "0") { print " | "; } print "<a href=\"$ScriptName?action=$action&next=".($pagenumber+1)."\">Next</a> >>"; } print "</p></center>"; } elsif ($back ne "") { print "<center><p>"; unless ($next == "0") { print "<< <a href=\"javascript:history.go(-1)\">Back</a>"; } if ($pagenumber < $pagecount) { unless ($next == "0") { print " | "; } print "<a href=\"$ScriptName?back=$back&next=".($pagenumber+1)."\">Next</a> >>"; } print "</p></center>"; } else { print "<center><p>"; $printcount++; print "<ul><li>" . $spacer . &GetPageLink($pagename) . "</ul>"; if ($printcount >= $PageCountLimit) { last; } } } if ($action eq "index" || ($dosearch eq "1" && $keywordcache eq "")) { if ($action eq "") { $action = "index"; } print "<center><p>"; unless ($next == "0") { print "<< <a href=\"javascript:history.go(-1)\">Back</a>"; } if ($pagenumber < $pagecount) { unless ($next == "0") { print " | "; } print "<a href=\"$ScriptName?action=$action&next=".($pagenumber+1)."\">Next</a> >>"; } print "</p></center>"; } elsif ($back ne "") { print "<center><p>"; unless ($next == "0") { print "<< <a href=\"javascript:history.go(-1)\">Back</a>"; } if ($pagenumber < $pagecount) { unless ($next == "0") { print " | "; } print "<a href=\"$ScriptName?back=$back&next=".($pagenumber+1)."\">Next</a> >>"; } print "</p></center>"; } else { print "<center><p>"; unless ($next == "0") { print "<< <a href=\"javascript:history.go(-1)\">Back</a>"; } if ($pagenumber < $pagecount) { unless ($next == "0") { print " | "; } print "<a href=\"$ScriptName?search=$keywordcache&next=".($pagenumber+1)."\">Next</a> >>"; } print "</p></center>"; } }
This modifications were written by GerardoBetancourt. I am sorry it is not written as a patch. I may come later, do a diff and post the patch lines instead. -- DavidCollantes