sub DoEdit { [snip] print "<hr class=wikilinepreview>\n"; ##TAB if ($preview) { print "<div class=wikipreview>\n"; ##TAB print "<h2 class=wikiheadpreview>", T('Preview:'), "</h2>\n"; ##TAB if ($isConflict) { print "<b>", T('NOTE: This preview shows the revision of the other author.'), "</b><hr class=wikilinepreview>\n"; ##TAB } $MainPage = $id; $MainPage =~ s|/.*||; # Only the main page name (remove subpage) print &WikiToHTML($oldText) . "<hr class=wikilinepreview>\n"; ##TAB print "<h2 class=wikiheadpreview>", T('Preview only, not yet saved'), "</h2>\n"; ##TAB ### patch save button and user name at bottom of preview follows print $q->submit(-name=>'Save', -value=>T('Save')), "\n"; ##TAB Save Button at bottom of preview $userName = &GetParam("username", ""); ##TAB if ($userName ne "") { ##TAB print ' (', T('Your user name is'), ' ', ##TAB &GetPageLink($userName) . ') '; ##TAB } else { ##TAB print ' (', Ts('Visit %s to set your user name.', &GetPrefsLink()), ') '; ##TAB } ##TAB ### finish patch print "</div>\n"; ##TAB } print &GetHistoryLink($id, T('View other revisions')) . "<br>\n"; print &GetGotoBar($id); print $q->endform; print &GetMinimumFooter(); }
toprint ' (', Ts('Visit %s to set your user name.', &GetPrefsLink()), ') '; ##TAB
-- DavidAndelprint Ts('Visit %s to set a user name ', &GetPrefsLink()), Ts('or %s with a\n existing one.', &GetLoginLink()); ## Login link provided