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Note: The following PageDelete function has been added to the 1.0 revision of UseModWiki as an extra link on the (optional) adminstration bar. A minor option to confirm deletions (default on) has been included, and the strings have been changed to use the translation table. --CliffordAdams

ergo - NextRelease

I find that sometimes I want to delete pages automatically without jumping through a lot of hoops. The changes below will allow you to automatically delete a page, providing you are logged in as administrator. No confirmation is asked for, though I would imagine that it would be relatively easy to add this function. Lines added to existing subs are prefixed with >, remove them when adding to code.

8/8/2003: Changed sub DoDeletePage so that it uses the global homepage name. Also changed to not allow deletion of locked pages. -Phillip Riley

1. Add the following function after Sub GetEditLink:

sub GetDeleteLink {
  my ($id, $name) = @_;

  if ($FreeLinks) {
    $id = &FreeToNormal($id);
    $name =~ s/_/ /g;
  return &ScriptLink("action=delete&id=$id", $name);

2. Add the following lines to sub DoOtherRequest

    if      ($action eq "edit") {
      &DoEdit($id, 0, 0, "", 0)  if &ValidIdOrDie($id);
>    } elsif ($action eq "delete") {
>      &DoDeletePage($id);

3. Add the following function after sub BuildLinkIndexPage

sub DoDeletePage {
  my ($id) = @_;
  return  if (!&UserIsAdminOrError());
  print &GetHeader("", "Delete " . $id, "");
  if ($id eq $HomePage)  {
    print "<p>" . $HomePage . " can not be deleted.</p>";
  } else {
    if (-f &GetLockedPageFile($id))   {
      print "<p>". $id . " can not be deleted because it is locked.</p>";
    } else {
      DeletePage($id, 1, 1);
      print "<p>" . $id . " has been deleted.</p>";
  print &GetCommonFooter();

5a. Add the following to lines to sub GetFooterText

    } else {
      $result .= &GetEditLink($id, T('Edit text of this page'));
>      if (&UserIsAdmin()) {
>        $result .= " | " . &GetDeleteLink($id, T('Delete this page'));
>      }

5b. If you have installed GetAdminBar, you should instead add the following line to Sub GetAdminBar

       $result .=" ";
>       $result .= " | " . &GetDeleteLink($id, T('Delete this page'));
       $result .= " | " . &ScriptLink("action=editbanned",T("Edit Banned List")); 

It's just as easy as that. You don't actually have to add the subs to the place I put them, you should be able to put them just about anywhere.

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Last edited October 26, 2007 7:15 pm by MarkusLude (diff)