
UseModWiki | WikiPatches | RecentChanges | Preferences

This patch lists the languages used for every page on RecentChanges.

In the following example, one page is English only, while the other has German and English content.


    * (diff) SiteMap 0:51 UTC (8 changes) [less stuff] [en] . . . . . AlexSchroeder


    * (diff) SandBox 23:28 UTC (9 changes) [deutsches zeug dazu] [de, en] . . . . . AlexSchroeder

To filter, use the new rclang parameter. The parameters action=rc&rclang=de will yield the pages with de content only.


    * (diff) SandBox 23:28 UTC (9 changes) [deutsches zeug dazu] [de, en] . . . . . AlexSchroeder

New variables for the section at the beginning:

%Languages $LanguageLimit

Set %Languages to something useful. This is a hash with key being a language code, and value being a regexp matching some small common words in that language. The default is empty:

# Example: %Languages = ('de' => '\b(der|die|das|und|oder)\b');
%Languages = ();
$LanguageLimit = 3;                 # Number of matches req. for each language

A possible value would be this one here:

%Languages = (
    'en' => '\b(the|that|and|why|what)\b',
    'de' => '\b(der|die|das|und|oder)\b',
    'fr' => '\b(et|une|les|ou|est|que)\b',
    'it' => '\b(il|gli|che|perchè|così)\b',

In GetRc? (this assumes WikiPatches/ModWiki):

Add a new local variable, and in the final foreach loop at the end, use it. Pass a reference to it along to the print RC line function, too.

  my @languages;
    next  if (not $all and $ts < $changetime{$pagename});
    next  if ($idOnly and $idOnly ne $pagename);
    %extra = split(/$FS2/, $extraTemp, -1);
    @languages = split(/$FS1/, $extra{'languages'});
    next  if ($langFilter and not grep(/$langFilter/, @languages));
    if ($date ne &CalcDay($ts)) {
      $date = &CalcDay($ts);
    &$printRCLine( $pagename, $ts, $host, $extra{'name'},
                   $summary, $isEdit, $pagecount{$pagename},
                   $extra{'revision'}, \@languages);

In GetRcHtml:

The printRCLine accepts a new parameter, $languages, and uses a new local variable, $lang. $lang holds the textual description of the languages and is added after the summary.

    # printRCLine
    sub {
      my($pagename, $timestamp, $host, $userName, $summary, $isEdit,
         $pagecount, $revision, $languages) = @_;
      my($author, $sum, $edit, $count, $link, $difftype, $lang);
      $lang = '';
      if (@{$languages}) {
        $lang = '[' . join(', ', @{$languages}) . '] ';
      $link = '';
      if ($UseDiff && &GetParam('diffrclink', 1)) {
        if ($isEdit) {
          $difftype = 2;        # minor
        } else {
          $difftype = 1;        # major
        $link .= &ScriptLinkDiff($difftype, $pagename, $tDiff, '') . '  ';
      $link .= &GetPageLink($pagename);
      $html .= "<li>$link ";
      # Later do new-RC looping here.
      $html .=  &CalcTime($timestamp) . " $count$edit $sum$lang";
      $html .= ". . . . . $author\n";   # Make dots optional?
  $html .= "</UL>\n" if ($inlist);
  return $html;

In DoPost?:

When writing the RC entries, determine the languages used and save that information:

  &WriteRcLog($id, $summary, $isEdit, $editTime, $Section{'revision'}, $user,
              $Section{'host'}, &GetLanguages($Text{'text'}));
  if ($UseIndex && ($Page{'revision'} == 1)) {
    unlink($IndexFile);  # Regenerate index on next request
  &ReBrowsePage($id, '', 1);

This requires the new sub GetLanguages:

sub GetLanguages {
  my ($text) = @_;
  my @result;
  my $count;
  for my $lang (keys %Languages) {
    $count = 0;
    while ($text =~ /$Languages{$lang}/ig) {
      if (++$count > $LanguageLimit) {
        push(@result, $lang);
  return \@result;

The final missing link is the extension of WriteRcLog?:

sub WriteRcLog {
  my ($id, $summary, $isEdit, $editTime, $revision, $name, $rhost, $languages) = @_;
  my ($extraTemp, %extra);
  %extra = ();
  $extra{'name'} = $name  if ($name ne '');
  $extra{'revision'} = $revision if ($revision ne '');
  $extra{'languages'} = join($FS1, @{$languages}) if $languages;
  $extraTemp = join($FS2, %extra);
  # The two fields at the end of a line are kind and extension-hash
  my $rc_line = join($FS3, $editTime, $id, $summary,
                     $isEdit, $rhost, '0', $extraTemp);
  if (!open(OUT, ">>$RcFile")) {
    die(Ts('%s log error:', $RCName) . " $!");
  print OUT  $rc_line . "\n";


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Last edited November 16, 2007 12:57 pm by MarkusLude (diff)