Trying to build up a specific topic related German dictionary
added to the config file the following new variables,
in order to allow a smother translation
- $RPName = "Random_Page"; # Name of Random Page (change space to _)
- $PName = "Preferences"; # Name of Preferences (change space to _)
- $EditName? = "Edit_text_of_this_page"; # Name of Edit text of this page (change space to _)
- $LEditName? = "Last_edited"; # Name of Last edited (change space to_)
- $EName = "Edited"; # Name of Edited (change space to_)
- $ViewName? = "View_other_revisions"; # Name of View other revisions (change space to _)
- $SName = "Search:"; #Name of Search: (change space to_)
- in vim this regex helped: %s/'Random Page'/"$RPName"/gc (2 substitution for $RPName, 6 for $PName, 1 $EditName?, 1 $LEditName?, 1 EName, 2 $ViewName? and 1 $Searchname)
- the variables are easily added to the list: use vars :) -- maximilian attems
well this above is only the begin of the translation but usual pages, already appears in German
Natural Translation of Recent_Changes in Letzte_Änderungen introduced a bug, the Ä being a special character.
Tried also workaround with ascii code Ä Now using Ä Ae :)