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Produces an automatic Google-Translation in a new window. The listbox with translations occurs at the end of the pages.

1. Insert the following variables:

# Configuration/constant variables:

2. Add a variable-option to toggle the translation:

# Major options:
$GoogleTranslation = 1; # 1 = with automatic Google-translation , 0 = no Google-translation

3. Include the following code within the subroutine GetFooterText:

sub GetFooterText {
  $result .= '<br>' . &GetSearchForm();
  ## Patch: GoogleTranslation
  $result .= $q->endform;
  if ($GoogleTranslation) {
    $result .= ' ' . &GetTranslateForm($id);
  # END GoogleTranslation

4. Insert a new subroutine GetTranslateForm? under the subroutine GetSearchForm:

sub GetSearchForm {  
## Patch: GoogleTranslation
sub GetTranslateForm {
  my ($page) = @_;
  my ($res) = '';

  $res .= '<form action="http://translate.google.com/translate" target="self">';
  #$res .= '<a HREF="http://www.google.com/"><img SRC="google.gif" ALT="Google" BORDER=0></a>'; # GooglePicture
  $res .= '<input type="hidden" name="u" value="'.$SiteBase.'/wiki.pl?'.$page.'">';
  $res .= T('Translation: ');
  $res .= '<select name="langpair">';
  $res .= '<option value="de|en">Englisch</option>';
  $res .= '<option value="de|fr">Französisch</option>';
  $res .= '</select>';
  $res .= '<input type="hidden" name="hl" value="de">';
  $res .= '<input type="hidden" name="ie" value="UTF-8">';
  $res .= '<input type="hidden" name="oe" value="UTF-8">';
  $res .= '<input type="hidden" name="prev" value="/language_tools">';
  $res .= $q->submit('submit', T('Translate'));
  $res .= $q->endform;
  return $res;
# END GoogleTranslation

Comments and Options

If you want to add other Google-Translations see here http://www.google.de/language_tools. You just have to change the code in the subroutine GetTranslateForm?.

<option value="en|de">English to German</option>
<option value="en|es">English to Spanish</option>
<option value="en|fr">English to French</option>
<option value="en|it">English to Italian</option>
<option value="en|pt">English to Portugese</option>
<option value="de|en">German to English</option>
<option value="de|fr">German to French</option>
<option value="es|en">Spanish to English</option>
<option value="fr|en">French to English</option>
<option value="fr|de">French to German</option>
<option value="it|en">Italian to English</option>
<option value="pt|en">Portugese to English</option>
If your native language is not german, you should change the "hl" form "de" to your home-language also:
<input type="hidden" name="hl" value="de">


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Last edited January 27, 2008 8:38 pm by JuanmaMP (diff)