
UseModWiki | WikiPatches | RecentChanges | Preferences

This patch displays raw html defined in $ExtraHeader? right after the body tag and before everything else. It also displays raw htm included in $ExtraFooter? just before the closing </body> tag.

If $UseExtraCSS? is set to a true value, all wiki content is wrapped by <div class="main"></div>.

See http://www.larpwiki.de for an example.

--TilmannHolst, 2004-05-29

*** wiki.pl	2004-05-25 22:42:38.000000000 +0200
--- larpwiki-extra-content.pl	2004-05-25 22:42:32.000000000 +0200
*** 26,31 ****
--- 26,33 ----
  #    59 Temple Place, Suite 330
  #    Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ # applied patch: extra-content
  package UseModWiki;
  use strict;
  local $| = 1;  # Do not buffer output (localized for mod_perl)
*** 64,69 ****
--- 66,75 ----
    $AnchoredLinkPattern @HeadingNumbers $TableOfContents $QuotedFullUrl
    $ConfigError $UploadPattern );
+ # added by patch extra-content
+ use vars qw( $UseExtraCSS $ExtraHeader $ExtraFooter );
  # == Configuration =====================================================
  $DataDir     = "/tmp/mywikidb"; # Main wiki directory
  $UseConfig   = 1;       # 1 = use config file,    0 = do not look for config
*** 1293,1299 ****
    $result .= &GetHtmlHeader("$SiteName: $title");
    return $result  if ($embed);
    $result .= '<div class=wikiheader>';
    if ($oldId ne '') {
      $result .= $q->h3('(' . Ts('redirected from %s', 
--- 1299,1311 ----
    $result .= &GetHtmlHeader("$SiteName: $title");
    return $result  if ($embed);
!   # added by patch extra header
!   if ($ExtraHeader) {
!     $result .= "<div class=\"extraheader\">$ExtraHeader</div>\n";
!   }
!   if ($UseExtraCSS) {
!     $result .= "<div class=\"main\">\n";
!   }
    $result .= '<div class=wikiheader>';
    if ($oldId ne '') {
      $result .= $q->h3('(' . Ts('redirected from %s', 
*** 1443,1448 ****
--- 1455,1469 ----
      $result .= T($FooterNote);
    $result .= '</div>';
+   # added by patch extra-content
+   if ($UseExtraCSS) {
+     $result .= '</div>'; # close <div class="main">
+     $result .= '<!-- close div: class=main -->';
+   }
+   # added by patch extra-content
+   if ($ExtraFooter) {
+     $result .= $ExtraFooter;
+   }
    $result .= &GetMinimumFooter();
    return $result;


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Last edited October 21, 2007 10:37 am by JuanmaMP (diff)