Edit config file for admins via wiki web. (If no changes: "Try Again").
The Patch
sub DoOtherRequest {
+} elsif ($action eq "editconfig") {
+ &DoEditConfig();
Two news subs:
+sub DoEditConfig {
+ my ($status, $configfile);
+ print &GetHeader('', T('Config'), '');
+ if (!&UserIsAdmin()) {
+ print T('You do not have administrator privileges');
+ } else {
+ ($status, $configfile) = &ReadFile("$ConfigFile");
+ $configfile = "" if (!$status);
+ print &GetFormStart();
+ print &GetHiddenValue("edit_config", 1), "\n";
+ print &GetTextArea('configfile', $configfile, 10, 40);
+ print '<br>', $q->submit(-name=>'Save', -value=>T('Save')), "\n";
+ print $q->endform;
+ }
+ print &GetMinimumFooter();
+sub DoUpdateConfigFile {
+ my ($newList, $fname);
+ my ($status, $data);
+ print &GetHeader('', T('Updating Config File'), '');
+ return if (!&UserIsAdminOrError());
+ $fname = "$DataDir/config.pl";
+ ($status, $data) = &ReadFile($fname);
+ $newList = &GetParam("configfile", "#Empty file");
+ if (!$status) {
+ print '<br>' . T('Undefined config file.');
+ print '<br>' . T('Use $UseConfig = 1; into script in order to use config file.');
+ print '<br>' . T('and copy a config file to $DataDir.');
+ print '<br>' . T('or Use $UseConfig = 0; into script in order to do not look for config.');
+ } elsif ($newList eq "") {
+ print "<p>", T('Anyway, resubmit with at least one space character if you prefer to remove.');
+ } elsif ($newList eq $data) {
+ print "Config file are identical. Not updated.";
+ print '<br>' . &ScriptLink("action=config", T('Try Again'));
+ } elsif ($newList =~ /^\s*$/s) {
+ unlink($fname);
+ print "<p>Removed config file";
+ } else {
+ &WriteStringToFile($fname, $newList);
+ print "<p>", T('Updated config file');
+ }
+ print &GetMinimumFooter();
Sub GetAdminBar {
+ $result .= '<br>' . &ScriptLink("action=editconfig", T("Config"));
If the script runs as "www-data", then the wikidb, etc. files must also be owned by "www-data", (apache2 runs as user www-data, for instance). See the documentation of your web server for details. (See cuestion:
Q: What should the following file permissions be? at