in the config part at
#$NewText = "where you define the text for a non-existing page, if you put something like:
$NewText = "In this Wiki nobody has written about $ENV{\"QUERY_STRING\"} yet.\n A few auto-created search links: \n \n Google:$ENV{\"QUERY_STRING\"} \n Dictionary:$ENV{\"QUERY_STRING\"} Just click 'Edit text of this page' below.";in it, you will always have working links on every single page,no matter which URL somebody opens.
Its helpful for making people edit the (non-existant) page, because they have google (or other) search results only a click away.
Also you can add more links to your neighbor wikis from InterMap file. So if you cant provide a certain page somebody looks for he doesnt end up in a dead end ,but can surf on to the same topic in other wikis.
--mutante of [S23]