
UseModWiki | WikiPatches | RecentChanges | Preferences

The following code is taken from UseModKr (see PatchedScripts). UseModKr may be found on http://gypark.pe.kr/cgi-bin/english/wiki.pl.

The following code is a backport. Korean comments and code related to features only found in UseModKr were removed. Currently I'm somewhat confused with the code. Any help is apreciated.

The subroutine PrintPageList? is replaced by a new one.

--TilmannHolst, 2004-06-05

On http://www.oddmuse.org/cgi-bin/oddmuse-en/Index_Extension there is a similar aproach. Much cleaner I think. --TilmannHolst, 2004-09-23


sub PrintPageList {
    my ($pagename);
    my $count = 0;
    my $titleIsPrinted = 0;
    # my @han = qw(°¡ ³ª ŽÙ ¶ó ž¶ ¹Ù »ç ŸÆ ÀÚ Â÷ Ä« Åž ÆÄ ÇÏ);
    my @indexTitle = (0, "A".."Z","Ä","Ö","Ü");
    #push (@indexTitle, @han, "±âÅž");
    my @indexSearch=("A".."Z","Ä","Ö","Ü");
    #push (@indexSearch, @han, "ËÐ");
    print "<a name=\"top\">";
    print "<h2>", Ts('%s pages found:', ($#_ + 1)), "</h2>\n";
    my $count2 = 0;
    while ( $count2 <= $#indexTitle ) {
        #if ($count2 == 27) {
        #    print("<br>\n|");
        if ($count2 == 0) {
            # nothing
        } else {
        print("<a href=\"#H_$indexTitle[$count2]\"><b>");
        print(" $indexTitle[$count2] ");
    print "<br><br>";
    $count2 = 0;
    foreach $pagename(@_) {
        until (
               $pagename lt @indexSearch[$count]
               && ($count == 0 || $pagename gt @indexSearch[$count-1])
               ) {
            $titleIsPrinted = 0;
            last if $count > 40; # what is that?
        if (!$titleIsPrinted) {
            while ( $count2 <= ($count - 1) ) {
                print "\n<a name=\"H_$indexTitle[$count2]\">";
                print "</a>";
            print "\n<a name=\"H_$indexTitle[$count]\"></a>";
            print $q->h3($indexTitle[$count]
                  . " <a href=\"#top\">" . T('Top') . "</a>");
            print "\n";
            $count2 = $count + 1;
        print ".... " if ($pagename =~ m|/|);
        print &GetPageLink($pagename);
        if (&UserIsAdmin()) {
            if (-f &GetLockedPageFile($pagename)) {
                print " " . T('(locked)');
            print " (" . &ScriptLink("action=pagelock&set=1&id=" . $pagename, T('lock'));
            print " | " . &ScriptLink("action=pagelock&set=0&id=" . $pagename, T('unlock'));
            print " | " . &ScriptLink("action=delete&confirm=0&id=" . $pagename, T('delete'));
            print ")";
        print $q->br;
        print "\n";


--- wiki.pl     2004-06-15 17:14:14.000000000 +0200
+++ larpwiki-index.pl   2004-06-15 17:14:12.000000000 +0200
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
 #    59 Temple Place, Suite 330
 #    Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# applied patch: better PrintPageList
 package UseModWiki;
 use strict;
 local $| = 1;  # Do not buffer output (localized for mod_perl)
@@ -3736,15 +3738,75 @@
   print &GetCommonFooter();
+# changed by patch: nicer PrintPageList
 sub PrintPageList {
-  my $pagename;
-  print "<h2>", Ts('%s pages found:', ($#_ + 1)), "</h2>\n";
-  foreach $pagename (@_) {
-    print ".... "  if ($pagename =~ m|/|);
-    print &GetPageLink($pagename), "<br>\n";
-  }
+    my ($pagename);
+    my $count = 0;
+    my $titleIsPrinted = 0;
+    # my @han = qw(°¡ ³ª ŽÙ ¶ó ž¶ ¹Ù »ç ŸÆ ÀÚ Â÷ Ä« Åž ÆÄ ÇÏ);
+    my @indexTitle = (0, "A".."Z","Ä","Ö","Ü");
+    #push (@indexTitle, @han, "±âÅž");
+    my @indexSearch=("A".."Z","Ä","Ö","Ü");
+    #push (@indexSearch, @han, "ËÐ");
+    print "<a name=\"top\">";
+    print "<h2>", Ts('%s pages found:', ($#_ + 1)), "</h2>\n";
+    my $count2 = 0;
+    #print("\n|");
+    while ( $count2 <= $#indexTitle ) {
+  	my $mathead = 0;		# BH047  
+       #if ($count2 == 27) {
+       #    print("<br>\n|");
+       #}
+       if ($count2 == 0) {
+            foreach $pagename (@_) {	                                    # BH047
+      		$mathead = 1 if !($pagename =~ m/^[A-ZÄÖÜ]/);               # BH047
+            }	                                                            # BH047
+         # previously nothing
+       } else {
+      		foreach $pagename (@_) {					# BH047
+      		  $mathead = 1 if ($pagename =~ m/^$indexTitle[$count2]/);	# BH047
+      		}	                                                        # BH047
+           print("|");
+       }
+       if ($mathead) {	                                                  # BH047
+          print("<a href=\"#H_$indexTitle[$count2]\"><b>");
+          print(" $indexTitle[$count2] ");
+          print("</b></a>");
+       } else {							# BH047
+	   print(" $indexTitle[$count2] ");				# BH047
+       }								# BH047
+       $count2++;
+    }
+    print "<br><br>";
+    $count2 = 0;
+    foreach $pagename(@_) {
+       until (
+              $pagename lt @indexSearch[$count]
+              && ($count == 0 || $pagename gt @indexSearch[$count-1])
+              ) {
+           $count++;
+           $titleIsPrinted = 0;
+           last if $count > 40; # what is that?
+       }
+       if (!$titleIsPrinted) {
+           while ( $count2 <= ($count - 1) ) {
+               print "\n<a name=\"H_$indexTitle[$count2]\">";
+               print "</a>";
+               $count2++;
+           }
+           print "\n<a name=\"H_$indexTitle[$count]\"></a>";
+           print $q->h3($indexTitle[$count]
+                 . " <a href=\"#top\">" . T('Top') . "</a>");
+            print "\n";
+           $count2 = $count + 1;
+           $titleIsPrinted=1;
+       }
+       print ".... " if ($pagename =~ m|/|);
+       print &GetPageLink($pagename);
+       if (&UserIsAdmin()) {
+           if (-f &GetLockedPageFile($pagename)) {
+               print " " . T('(locked)');
+           }
+           print " (" . &ScriptLink("action=pagelock&set=1&id=" . $pagename, T('lock'));
+           print " | " . &ScriptLink("action=pagelock&set=0&id=" . $pagename, T('unlock'));
+           print " | " . &ScriptLink("action=delete&confirm=0&id=" . $pagename, T('delete'));
+           print ")";
+       }
+       print $q->br;
+       print "\n";
+    }
+    print "<br>";                                                       # BH047
+# /changed by patch: nicer PrintPageList
 sub DoLinks {
   print &GetHeader('', &QuoteHtml(T('Full Link List')), '');

The above patch has lines added (marked # BH047) which changes the links in the header to plain text where there are no pages for that entry. This makes the header more useful than having links to anchors that don't exist. --BrianHunter
Also the line in the until block that checks whether the title has been printed
          last if $count > 40; # what is that?
is a check to see if we have printed the last header and prevents us looping forever. The 40 just needs to be bigger than the number of title entries. This was high in the original version which allowed for Korean characters. It still works even with the reduced set of titles. Better code would check if we have reached the end of the titles array. I have used...
     if ($pagename gt @indexSearch[-1]) {  # Is the pagename higher than the last title?         # BH047
        $count = 1+$#indexSearch;          # if so, set the count to one beyond the title search # BH047
        last;				   # and finish                    			 # BH047
           }                                                                                     # BH047
Also in the section starting ...
        if (!$titleIsPrinted) {
The lines
            while ( $count2 <= ($count - 1) ) {
                print "\n<a name=\"H_$indexTitle[$count2]\">";
                print "</a>";
and the line
             $count2 = $count + 1;
are not required

I'm sure the code could be improved further... --Brian Hunter

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Last edited May 22, 2009 4:24 pm by GunnarH (diff)