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If you need to extract the text of your page DB (should you want to convert to OtherWikis, for example), proceed as follows:

This has been used to produce a Texinfo file from the entire page database See ExtractTexinfo. -- MeatBall:AlexSchroeder

 #! /usr/bin/perl -w


 sub rewrite {
   my ($directory) = @_;

   $FS  = "\xb3";
   # If you have set $NewFS to 1, then remove the # from the start of the next line.
#  $FS  = "\x1e\xff\xfe\x1e";

   $FS1 = $FS . "1";
   $FS2 = $FS . "2";
   $FS3 = $FS . "3";

   my @files = read_directory($directory);
   foreach my $file (@files) {
     print "Reading $file...\n";
     my %page = &split_page(&read_file("$directory/$file"));
     my %section = &split_section(%page);
     my %text = &split_text(%section);
     $file =~ s/.db$//;
     print "Writing $file...\n";
     &write_file("$directory/$file", $text{text});
   print "Done.\n";

 sub read_directory {
   my ($dirname) = @_;
   opendir(DIR, $dirname) or die "can't opendir $dirname: $!";
   @dots = grep { /\.db$/ && -f "$dirname/$_" } readdir(DIR);
   closedir DIR;
   return @dots;

 sub read_file {
   my ($filename) = @_;
   my ($data);
   my (%page);
   local $/ = undef;   # Read complete files

   open(IN, "<$filename") or die "can't read $filename: $!";
   close IN;
   return $data;

 sub split_page {
   my ($data) = @_;
   my (%page);
   %page = split(/$FS1/, $data, -1);  # -1 keeps trailing null fields
   return %page;

 sub split_section {
   my (%page) = @_;
   my (%section);
   %section = split(/$FS2/, $page{text_default}, -1);
   return %section;

 sub split_text {
   my (%section) = @_;
   my (%text);
   %text = split(/$FS3/, $section{data}, -1);
   return %text;

 sub write_file {
   my ($file, $data) = @_;
   open(F, ">" . $file) or die "can't open $file: $!";
   print F $data;

The script did not work for me, but when I changed line 8 from

    $FS  = "\xb3";
    $FS  = "\x1e\xff\xfe\x1e";
it was OK. Maybe the seperator has changed? Lars

If your wiki is using the new file-separator (if $NewFS is 1), then you will need to change line 8 above. I added the new $FS as a comment to the script above for future users. --CliffordAdams

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Last edited April 9, 2009 5:41 pm by GunnarH (diff)