Homepage: http://sf.net/projects/domesu
I had written quite a few pages on it here, but I wiped them all in a fit of depressed pique. I still have less enthusiasm for it than initially, but I can be persuaded to work on it now and then. --ChuckAdams
Attaboy! Here is someone close to his emotions and who is not afraid to appear as a human being. You certainly ain't a machine, Chuck! Keep it up! We need more human beings like you on Internet, the heaven of a lot of autists! -- RobertAbitbol?
PS: I get along fine with human beings.. I have a lot of problems getting along with human machines or mechanical humans however... After all, communicating is not really talking to someone's ears; it's more like talking to someone's heart, I believe...
This article is a stub. You can help improve it by''-- oops, WrongWiki? ;)
Putting Domeus on line would be great! This way we could see right away what it's all about... -- RobertAbitbol?
PS: Domeus (Usemod reversed) is very close to domus which in latin means: a house, a home.... Or does it mean God? I forgot... Long time I haven't spoken to a dead latin :-); my latin is becoming rusty...
Well you could very well place it on the source forge site. This is where Vadim has put his Usemod site so I shouldn't see a problem there. See: http://perlce.sf.net/cgi-bin/perlce-tcltkce-wiki.pl
As for the resemblance between Usemod and Domesu, this is no problem at all... I believe spending a few months on improving a code is never lost time...
Well I say "improving". "Personalizing" should be a better term. I think some programmers have a lot of difficulty working with other people's codes and they end up changing the whole code.. I know about that believe me: almost every programmer who worked on my PIM wanted to change the code entirely...
The most organized way to proceed would be to record all changes made to convert Usemod into Domesu. This way, you'd go from any new version of Usemod and convert it into Domesu real quickly... At that point you'd be talking about complete modularity...
In any case, if you are interested in turning Domesu into a split screen wiki, let me know... We'd start from Usemod 1.0 or better from 1.1. -- [Robert Abitbol]?