These are wikis I have tried, with short pithy capsule reviews.
- UseModWiki (perl)
- Install is short and sweet. All in one file, dropped it into cgi-bin, tweaked a couple variables, and it just worked. I can turn off the WikiWords link pattern, which is a plus for me. The code is kind spaghetti, but it's solid and fairly easy to hack due to the one-file design. Hard to make major changes though due to non-modular non-OO design (and global variables). Still, the only wiki I'm using in a production app now (used embedded as an annotation system for internal knowledge utilities).
- Twiki (perl)
- Depends on a lot of external tools like RCS, assumes a unix environment all over the place. The win32 instructions assume a cygwin environment and apache. Never got far enough with it to keep playing with it. Annoying requirement of using only HTTP auth for authentication, and that all usernames be WikiWords.
- MoinMoin (python)
- Reasonably modular but halfway so. Parts that need to be OO are not. I had to unfix some of the fixes for win32 before it would work, and I was running into bugs everywhere I went, possibly due to my feature-challenged setup. On a unixlike environment, this might be a breeze to drop in.
- PikiePikie? (python)
- ChikiChiki? (java)
- Installing was a breeze, just dropped the WAR file in. Linking is weird, to the point of being almost not wiki-like in nature, requiring a category to prefix all links. Has a free-link type of pattern, but category names and even usernames are required to be WikiWords. Looks promising, regardless.
- SnipSnap? (java)
- No-brainer to install. Either one-click with JNLP, or a tarball and a run script, bundling its own servlet container (Jetty) and all. Looks highly programmable, but very poorly documented. Comments on pages cannot be deleted at all, and this problem has gone more or less ignored by the snipsnap maintainers.
Wikis I have only used but can't/won't install
Wikis I have yet to try but will:
- Ward's original WikiWikiWeb? (may as well get a baseline)