Another indexing scheme to add to sub DoOtherRequest. Work in progress.
The Patch
sub DoUserMod {
my (@dirs, @files, @pages, $dir, $file);
my (%Data, $maxID);
my ($status, $data, $fileData, $oldFileData);
my ($firstTs, @firstTs, @firstUs);
my (@full, @fullrc, @fullnewrc);
my ($c, @unsorted, $dupla, $revs, $auth, %v, %t, @sorted);
my ($i, $j, @i, @j);
my $id;
print &GetHeader('', T('Umod'), '');
opendir(DIRLIST, $UserDir);
@dirs = readdir(DIRLIST);
foreach $dir (@dirs) {
next if (substr($dir, 0, 1) eq '.'); # No ., .., or .dirs
next if (!-d "$UserDir/$dir"); # Top level directories only
opendir(DIRLIST, "$UserDir/$dir");
@files = readdir(DIRLIST);
foreach $file (@files) {
if ($file =~ m/(\d+).db/) { # Only numeric ID files
$id = $1;
$maxID = $id if ($id > $maxID);
%Data = ();
($status, $data) = &ReadFile("$UserDir/$dir/$file");
if ($status) {
%Data = split(/$FS1/, $data, -1); # -1 keeps trailing null fields
($status, $fileData) = &ReadFile($RcFile);
if ($status) {
@fullnewrc = split(/\n/, $fileData);
($status, $oldFileData) = &ReadFile($RcOldFile);
if ($status) {
@fullrc = split(/\n/, $oldFileData);
@full = (@fullrc, @fullnewrc);
($i, $j) =0;
if (@full > 0) { # Only false if no lines in file
for ($i=0; $i <= $#full; $i++) {
@firstUs = split(/$FS2/, $full[$i]);
if ($Data{username} eq $firstUs[$#i-2]
and $Data{id} eq $firstUs[$#i]) {
if ($Data{username}) {
if (!$j) {$v{$c} = 0} else {$v{$c} = $j;}
$t{$c} = $Data{username};
$dupla = "$v{$c}|$t{$c}";
push(@unsorted, $dupla);
@sorted = reverse sort { $a <=> $b } @unsorted;
print '<ol>';
foreach $c (@sorted) {
($revs,$auth) = split(/\|/,$c);
print '<li>' . &GetPageOrEditLink($auth) . ' ' . '['. $revs . ']';
print '</ol>';
print &GetCommonFooter();