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This is a WikiPatch to extend/improve table text formatting


Adding center etc to cells and allowing a table class as well. The cells get align attributes by adding double space to the side you want the contents of the cell to move away from.

||First  ||  Centered  ||        Right||
||A      ||  B         ||            C||
||||Next is empty      ||            C||
||||||       Summary                  ||

||  upload:imgwiki.gif  ||


Adding center etc to cells and allowing a table class as well. This has the key items on the page WikiPatches/TableSyntax. The cells get align attributes by adding double space to the side you want the contents of the cell to move away from.

This includes the Empty Cell Fix from WikiBugs/EmptyTableElements.

||First  ||  Centered  ||        Right||
||A      ||  B         ||            C||
||||Next is empty      ||            C||
||||||       Summary                  ||

||  upload:imgwiki.gif  ||
||  Figure Title        ||

A sample css solution:

.wikitable, .wikitablefigure
  margin: 0px;
  padding: 0px;
  width: 666px;
  border-style: solid;
  border-color: black;
  border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px;
  border-collapse: collapse;

.wikitable td
  margin: 0px;
  padding: 3px;
  border-style: solid;
  border-color: black;
  border-width: 0px 0px 1px 1px;

.wikitablefigure td
  margin: 0px;
  padding: 3px;
  border-style: solid;
  border-color: black;
  border-width: 1px 1px 0px 0px;

.wikitable tr#Row0 td
  color: white;
  background-color: black;
  border-left-color: white;

.wikitablefigure tr#Row1 td
  color: white;
  background-color: black;
  border-right-color: white;



After applying this patch, you can only use the wiki table syntax using || ||. Original HTML table syntax <table> <td> <tr> </table> does not work any longer. Because I need both, I decided no to apply this patch and to turn back to the original version.

Perhaps could the author elaborate on this ? --TomGries, 18.01.2004

I never used raw HTML in any pages before and I also did not write the original changes. So I am not really the best person to reply - IE I dont know the answer. In fact I thought the idea was just that, to replace any HTML with some form of formatting. Can you tell us what features are unavailable with this method? I have updated the patch so that the more complex CSS can be applied - control of individual Rows. --MarkButler 2004/01/18

Hi Mark, I need the raw HTML tables when I migrate contents of some of my existing HTML pages to my wiki. It's handy (and quick&dirty, I admit) to start from the HTML pages. Another wiki engine I know (tikiwiki) handles mixed pages with raw HTML tables and with || || tables (but of course separated from each other).

Perhaps a robust PERL script could convert raw HTML to || ||, but I don't know of such a script. TomGries 19.01.2004

Why not turn on $RawHtml then and insert your older stuff within the tags. --MarkButler

It is still possible to use HTML tables after applying the patch. You just can't have any line breaks and you can't use the <nowiki> tag. At least, that's my experience. JayLarson

Table header

What about table header? Other Wikis (look at Wikipedia ;-)) use !! instead of || to create <th> instead of <td>. -- Roker

Styles for table rows

I changed line

             s/^((\|\|)+)(.*)\|\|\s*$/"<TR id='Row$rowNumber' "  . "><TD colspan='"
                               . (length($1)\/2) . "'>" . &EmptyCellFixing($3) . "<\/TD><\/TR>\n"/e) {
             s/^(\?(\w+))?((\|\|)+)(.*)\|\|\s*$/"<TR id='Row$rowNumber' "
                               . ($1 ? "class='$2' " : "") . "><TD colspan='"
                               . (length($3)\/2) . "'>" . &EmptyCellFixing($5) . "<\/TD><\/TR>\n"/e) {
Now you can use "?xyz" in front of the table row to set the css class for the row. Thought I'd share this with the community. -- HeinrichMoser?

The Mod

--- wiki.1.0.0.pl	Thu Sep 12 10:53:14 2002
+++ wikipatch.TableFormatting.pl	Thu Jan 22 13:39:06 2004
@@ -1602,7 +1602,7 @@
   my ($text, $useImage, $doLines) = @_;
   local $_ = $text;
-  if ($doLines < 2) { # 2 = do line-oriented only
+  if ($doLines) { # 0 = no line-oriented, 1 or 2 = do line-oriented (PATCH)
     # The <nowiki> tag stores text with no markup (except quoting HTML)
     # The <pre> tag wraps the stored text with the HTML <pre> tag
@@ -1685,21 +1685,36 @@
     if ($TableMode) {
       s/((\|\|)+)/"<\/TD><TD COLSPAN=\"" . (length($1)\/2) . "\">"/ge;
+      my %alignments = (',',      '',
+			',  ',    ' align="left"',
+			'  ,',    ' align="right"',
+			'  ,  ',  ' align="center"',
+			);
+      s/<td(.*?)>(  )?(.*?)(  )?<\/td>/"<td".($alignments{"$2,$4"})."$1>$3<\/td>"/gei;
   return $_;
+sub EmptyCellFixing {
+  my ($table) = @_;
+  $table =~ s/(?<=\|\|)(\s+)(?=\|\|)/ /g;
+  $table =~ s/^(\s+)(?=\|\|)/ /;
+  $table =~ s/(?<=\|\|)(\s+)$/ /;
+  return $table;
 sub WikiLinesToHtml {
   my ($pageText) = @_;
   my ($pageHtml, @htmlStack, $code, $codeAttributes, $depth, $oldCode);
   @htmlStack = ();
   $depth = 0;
+  my $rowNumber = 0;
   $pageHtml = "";
+  $codeAttributes = '';
   foreach (split(/\n/, $pageText)) {  # Process lines one-at-a-time
     $code = '';
-    $codeAttributes = '';
     $TableMode = 0;
     $_ .= "\n";
     if (s/^(\;+)([^:]+\:?)\:/<dt>$2<dd>/) {
@@ -1714,12 +1729,16 @@
     } elsif (s/^(\#+)/<li>/) {
       $code = "OL";
       $depth = length $1;
+    } elsif ($TableSyntax && s/^\|\|\s*([^\|]*)$//) {
+      $rowNumber = 0;
+      $TableMode = 1;
+      $codeAttributes = $1;
     } elsif ($TableSyntax &&
-             s/^((\|\|)+)(.*)\|\|\s*$/"<TR VALIGN='CENTER' "
-                                      . "ALIGN='CENTER'><TD colspan='"
-                               . (length($1)\/2) . "'>$3<\/TD><\/TR>\n"/e) {
+             s/^((\|\|)+)(.*)\|\|\s*$/"<TR id='Row$rowNumber' "  . "><TD colspan='"
+                               . (length($1)\/2) . "'>" . &EmptyCellFixing($3) . "<\/TD><\/TR>\n"/e) {
+      $rowNumber++;
       $code = 'TABLE';
-      $codeAttributes = "BORDER='1'";
+      $codeAttributes .= ($codeAttributes =~ m/class=/) ? "" : " class='wikitable'";
       $TableMode = 1;
       $depth = 1;
     } elsif (/^[ \t].*\S/) {
@@ -1728,6 +1747,7 @@
     } else {
       $depth = 0;
+    $codeAttributes = '' unless $TableMode;
     while (@htmlStack > $depth) {   # Close tags as needed
       $pageHtml .=  "</" . pop(@htmlStack) . ">\n";

The change above broke single-bracketed links to external URLs for me, so I undid the first change, keeping the following line as is:
 if ($doLines < 2) { # 2 = do line-oriented only

It's distinctly possible that I'm doing something wrong, of course. But it works beautifully for me with that change, and even better with the following additional change to reset the row number counter on closing a table (so that, with multiple tables on a page, each table gets the Row0 id for its first row).

In WikiLinesToHtml:

     while (@htmlStack > $depth) {   # Close tags as needed
 +     if ( $htmlStack[-1] =~ /^TABLE/i ) {
 +       $rowNumber = 0;
 +     }

       $pageHtml .=  "</" . pop(@htmlStack) . ">\n";

Figure Title

A sample css solution:

.wikitable, .wikitablefigure
  margin: 0px;
  padding: 0px;
  width: 666px;
  border-style: solid;
  border-color: black;
  border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px;
  border-collapse: collapse;

.wikitable td
  margin: 0px;
  padding: 3px;
  border-style: solid;
  border-color: black;
  border-width: 0px 0px 1px 1px;

.wikitablefigure td
  margin: 0px;
  padding: 3px;
  border-style: solid;

  border-color: black;
  border-width: 1px 1px 0px 0px;

.wikitable tr#Row0 td
  color: white;
  background-color: black;
  border-left-color: white;

.wikitablefigure tr#Row1 td
  color: white;
  background-color: black;
  border-right-color: white;


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Last edited July 7, 2010 2:10 pm by MarkusLude (diff)